What is 4-H? 
The UF/IFAS Extension 4-H Youth Development Program uses a learn-by-doing approach to help youth gain the knowledge and skills they need to be responsible, productive citizens. This mission is accomplished by creating safe and inclusive learning environments, involving caring adults, and utilizing the expertise and resources of the University of Florida and the nationwide land grant university system. Contact the Orange County 4-H Office to learn how to get involved.
View this video for more information on the benefits of 4-H and how to get involved:
Head, Heart, Hands and Health
4-H Motto
To Make the Best Better
4-H Slogan
Learn by Doing
4-H Pledge
I pledge my head to clearer thinking, my heart to greater loyalty, my hands to larger service, and my health to better living; for my club, my community, my country and my world.
Orange County 4-H relies upon hundreds of volunteers to deliver meaningful 4-H experiences to youth in all program and project areas. The 4-H Agent faculty and staff screen and support these volunteers in their roles as well as facilitate county 4-H events and opportunities. Contact the Orange County 4-H Office to learn how to become a volunteer.
Why Volunteer?
Volunteer Role Descriptions
Volunteer Resources
4-H has three major project areas: S.T.E.M (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math), Healthy Living and Citizenship/Leadership. Under these heading are hundreds of project topics for 4-H member involvement. 4-H works with University faculty to develop research-based educational curriculum that is both age-appropriate and useful for club or School Enrichment. Through 4-H participation members can earn recognition at the county, district, state and national levels and win scholarship awards for camps, leadership programs and even college study.
Contact the Orange County 4-H office to learn how to join.
Contact Us

Melinda Souers
Extension Faculty
4-H Youth Development
E-mail: Melinda Souers
Erin Reichel
Extension Faculty
4-H Youth Development
E-mail: Erin Reichel
Giselle Velazquez
Administrative Assistant
4-H Youth Development
E-mail : Orange County 4-H