Commercial Horticulture - Nursery and Greenhouse Production
Welcome to Central Florida Nurseries – a web site dedicated to the greenhouse and nursery industry. It is intended to help growers, consumers, and other horticultural stakeholders apply research from our own programs (and other programs, as well) to ensure the success of our horticultural industries.

Getting Started in Nursery/Greenhouse Production
Extension educational programs for commercial production horticulture in Orange County. The topics covered in this area include Best Management Practices (BMPs), encompassing the most efficient use of water and fertilizer, integrated pest management (IPM), new cultivars and production techniques, marketing and new technologies. Contact Dr. Liz Felter at lfelter@ufl.edu.

Production Horticulture Plant Clinic Information
For assistance with the Production Horticulture Plant Clinic, contact Dr. Liz Felter at lfelter@ufl.edu.

Central Florida Food Systems
For assistance with Central Florida Food Systems, contact Dr. Liz Felter at lfelter@ufl.edu.