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Weather Alert

A hurricane has been forecasted for the Big Bend area with impacts reaching across the state. Follow communication of your local authorities. Watch your local Extension office website for closure, program impacts and recovery resources.

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Small Farms / Urban Farms / Food Production

Small farms represent over 90% of all farms in Florida, based on the USDA definition of a small farm as one with up to $250,000 in sales. These farms make about 15% of all farm product sales in Florida and have gained much greater visibility as an important sector of the agricultural industry in the “Sunshine State”. Small farmers and allied organizations have identified critical issues facing small farms in Florida. The issues include access to profitable markets, business skills development, accessible technical information, and alternative crops and enterprises.

The Small Farms Extension team provides this web page so you can find commonly needed information from "getting started" to "evaluating an alternative enterprise", to "finding a market", all in one place on the web. In addition, the team coordinates several regional workshops, a statewide Florida Small Farms and Alternative Enterprises Conference and regional small farms working groups that meet periodically on operating small farms. You can find the schedule of all of these activities by visiting the Calendar of Events section of the UF/IFAS Small Farms and Alternative Enterprises website.

Short Videos

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Selected Publications

Selected Lectures

  • Tyson, R.V. 2016. Can decoupling with fertigation result in mainstreaming aquaponics? Aquaponics Association Annual Mtg, Austin, TX.
  • Tyson, R.V. 2015. Sustainable agricultural opportunities for local food systems: hydroponics and aquaponics. American Oil Chemist Society Annual Mtg, Orlando, FL.
  • Tyson, R.V. 2013. Aquaponics research & application for sustainable urban farming. The Kari Lecture Series Seminar, Crop Sciences Department, University of Illinois, Champlain, IL.
  • Tyson, R.V. 2013. Urban farming program demonstrates sustainable practices. National Assoc. of Extension Professionals Annual Mtg & Professional Improvement Conference, Pittsburg, PA.


Commercial Horticulture Agent

Hannah Eason Agriculture – Small Farms/Urban Farms Extension Agent