Master Gardener Volunteers
Master Gardener Volunteers are adult volunteers recruited and trained by county extension agents and University of Florida specialists to provide assistance in Extension home horticultural programs. Through this program, enthusiastic gardeners study such areas as botany, horticulture, soil science, and plant and insect identification and management. The Florida Master Gardener Volunteer Program is administered by the Cooperative Extension Service, a part of the University of Florida's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences.

How Do I Join?
At some point during the year, a required pre-course meeting (Meet and Greet) must be attended. The course is currently only offered once a year because it is so intensive and requires a huge commitment in time from our instructors. If you'd like to be added to our communications list please email MGV Program Manager, Jillian Meek, at JMeek@PascoCounty.FL.net

Training and Certification
If you are accepted into the Master Gardener Volunteer Training Program, you will receive 72 hours of horticultural training in a 10-12-week course. A required fee covers educational books from the University of Florida Press, numerous handouts, and other class expenses. The course is held in-person, one full day each week (typically Thursdays from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm).

Contact Us
If you are interested in becoming a Pasco County Master Gardener Volunteer, please call email Program Manager, Jillian Meek JMeek@PascoCountyFL.net, to add your name to the prospective Master Gardener Volunteer email contact list.