4-H and Youth Development

About 4-H Youth Program
In 4-H young people have the opportunity to "experience" through "hands-on" learning and discovery in project areas such as foods and nutrition, sewing, hiking, citizenship, community service, photography, large and small animals, lap animals, horses, and more. Older 4H members develop leadership skills by assisting and instructing younger 4H members. Read More...

Read Our Blog!
Learn about how youth can participate in several hundred different project areas: citizenship, communications and expressive arts, performing arts, visual arts, photography, child care and babysitting, natural resources and environmental education, recycling, gardening and ornamental horticulture, and much more.

History of 4-H
In the late 1800s the idea of 4H was born when one-acre corn contests were organized for boys in various parts of the nation. The first 4H program that was affiliated with a University as we know it today began in Holmes County, Mississippi in 1907. A school superintendent organized 120 boys in a corn contest through sponsorship of the Mississippi State College of Agriculture. Read More...