4-H Members
The UF/IFAS Extension 4-H Youth Development Program uses a learn-by-doing approach to help youth gain the knowledge and skills they need to be responsible, productive citizens. This mission is accomplished by creating safe and inclusive learning environments, involving caring adults, and utilizing the expertise and resources of the University of Florida and the nationwide land grant university system.
Steps to Join
1. Contact the 4-H Club leader to verify the next meeting time and location. Ask the leaders any questions you may have in regards to 4-H and the club.
2. Attend the 4-H Club meeting. We advise attending a couple of different 4-H Clubs before choosing.
a. Youth are allowed to be in more than one club. We recommend youth participate in a maximum of three 4-H Clubs.
3. Enroll your child as a 4-H member on the 4-HOnline 2.0 IS SUPPORTED WITH ANY WEB BROWSERS. Even can be accessed on a mobile device and we strongly encourage all enrolling via the internet. 4H Online
a. New Families with internet access : Create a “Family Profile” on 4-HOnline 2.0
b. Returning Families with internet access : Login to "Family Profile" on 4-HOnline 2.0 with current 4-H Online family e-mail and password. *Note-your password may need to be reset at the new login page if your current password does not meet the new password format requirements for 2.0
a. Families with internet access : At the end of the online enrollment process, you will be presented with a payment screen if applicable.
1. You may pay by credit or debit card on the payment screen in 4-H Online. Visa, MasterCard, and Discover cards are accepted. The card will be charged when the county reviews and approves the enrollment. Your statement will read “REG 4-H ONLINE” for the charge.
2. During the online enrollment process, you may choose to mail a check or money order to Florida 4-H State Headquarters by selecting "Payment for this invoice will be collected by 4-H Institution. You must enroll online before mailing your payment. Your online enrollment will not be approved until payment is receivwed for the required fee.
3. http://florida4h.org/4honline/checkmoneyorderform.pdf this is the pdf that needs to be mailed in with the check if they choose to pay by check.
b. Families without internet access : Please contact your local 4-H Agent or 4-H Program Assistant
5. Choose a Record Book or Project Book to complete throughout the year.
a. Youth can complete more than one Record/Project Book.
b. Record/Project Book resources can be found at the 4-H office and at following link: Record Books
c. Most books can be acquired or purchased at the 4-H office.
d. In order to receive a 4-H year pin and credit for that 4-H year youth must turn in a completed Project or Record Book. Youth turning in a completed book will also receive a project pin. To have a Completed book you must follow all guidelines.
6. Visit the 4-H “Events and Activities” web page to see how your newly enrolled 4-H member can get involved in various county, district, and state 4-H programming https://sfyl.ifas.ufl.edu/sumter/4-h-youth-development/events-and-activities/
Enrollments Begin August 24th for the 2020 – 2021 4-H Year All forms are located at the UF/IFAS Extension Sumter County 4-H website:
4-H Enrollment 4-H Membership Instructions 2021-2022 https://www.4honline.com/ 4-H Participation Form 4-H Club Officer Resources -
What is a 4-H project?
A 4-H Project is any learning expereince of six hours or more. Youth can complete a project in just about anything. Youth can complete a Project Book or a Record Book in any project.
A Project Book is a guide of activities and learning experiences that a 4-H'er can work on individually or in a 4-H club. A Record Book is an organized method of keeping records on a project, for example beef, dairy, shooting sports, or clothing created.
In Sumter County youth are encouraged to complete and turn in a record of your project accomplishments for each year. In order to receive a 4-H year pin you must turn in a completed Project or Record Book. Youth turning in a completed book will also receive a project pin. To have a completed book you must follow all project/record book requirements.
Florida 4-H Curriculum
This represents all approved and supported curriculum and resources for youth. Please only use curriculum from this list or curriculum approved by the county 4-H officer.
Follow the 4-H Curriculum Clearinghouse link find out more information about 4-H projects and how to expand upon your 4-H project. Additional curriculum can be found at the 4-H Mall website.
DO NOT USE THE LISTED MARKET RECORD BOOK! Only the Sumter County Fair Market Animal Record Book will be accepted!
Follow the 4-H Project Handouts link find out more information about 4-H projects and how to expand upon your 4-H project.
Record Books:
Cloverbud Poultry Sumter County
Earth Connection I - Cloverbud
Completing a 4-H Project
Place this sheet in the begining of each project book : Project Check List pdf
4-H Project Report by Age Group: Program and to encourage members to become active participants
CB Project Summary Form pdf Jr. Project Report - pdf Int. Project Report - pdf Sr. Project Report - pdf ALL DOCUMENTS FOR A PROJECT NEED TO BE IN THE SAME FOLDER (THREE PRONG FOLDER)
ONE FOLDER PER PROJECT AREA, e.g., if youth members participate in a beef project and swine project, each project area should have its own folder.
4-H Awards and Recognition
Recognition is a basic human need that we all experience. It builds self-esteem and a personal valuing of an experience. Recognition is also an important component of the 4-H experience and is also an integral part of all 4-H educational experiences.
4-H members in Sumter County are awarded for a year of participation by completing a Project Book or a Record Book.
Any 4-H member who turns in a completed Project or Record book will receive a 4-H year pin, a Project pin and an invitation to our Annual Youth Awards Banquet.
Youth MUST turn in a completed project book or record book in order to qualify for awards.
Youth who turn in a completed Project or Record book are encouraged to turn in applications for our 4-H Awards. Youth must turn in a completed Project or Record book in order to qualify for awards.
County 4-H Awards
Youth MUST turn in a completed project book or record book in order to qualify for awards.
Outstanding 4-H'er of the Year
- Categories: Junior, Intermediate and Senior
- Application to Apply: "Building My Portfolio" [Juniors and Intermediates only] and Senior Portfolio [Seniors only]
- Award: Crystal Trophy and Cash
- Due June 10th to 4-H office
PDF Word Junior - Intermediate Portfolio Junior - Intermediate Portfolio Senior Portfolio Senior Portfolio 4-H Sumter County Graduating SR. Scholarship
- Sumter County 4-H awards a graduating 4-H member with a $500 scholarship each year. Those applying must be attending and accepted to a state college, university or trade school. Monies awarded can be used for tuition, books, etc.
- Submit a 4-H Portfolio, Resume, Personal Narrative, and References for review by May 20th
- Final Copy due June 10th to 4-H office
- Application to apply:Senior Portfolio & Sumter County 4-H Scholarship Cover Page - PDF
FL 4-H Scolarships & Award Trips
- Senior 4-H members can also apply for the Florida 4-H Scholarships by following the Florida 4-H Scholarships link.
- Complete for scholarships and award trip opportunities from the State 4-H Office
- Link for additional information & application: Florida 4-H Scholarships & Award Trips
Horseman of the Year
- Application to Apply: Horseman of the Year
- Qualifications: Must have completed at least Junior year of high school and have completed at least two years of the horse project including current year
Standards of Excellence
What are Performance Standards?
Performance standards are a set of guidelines for member participation; in Florida, there are several options for youth and/or clubs to work toward. As members or groups complete the levels of standard, they are presented an award.
Why are Performance Standards a Part of the 4-H Program?
Performance standards make youth aware of the opportunities available in the 4-H Program and to encourage members to become active participants.
Standards of Excellence
- Standard of Excellence Helpful Tips and Guidelines
- Standards of Excellence: Bronze, Silver, Gold or Emerald
- Application to Apply (all forms are fillable online):
PDF NEW Standard of Excellence - Cloverbud(5-7) NEW Standard of Excellence - Junior(8-10) NEW Standard of Excellence - Intermediate(11-13) NEW Standard of Excellence - Senior(14-18) -
Club Awards
Club High Participation Award
- Application to Apply:
Standards of Excellence
- Application to Apply: Standards of Excellence for 4-H Clubs