Health and Wellness
Classes are held at the UF/IFAS Suwannee Co. Extension office in Live Oak or at various locations throughout the community. Many resources are online to help you take the first steps.

Let's Get Active
Physical activity is one key component in maintaining good health. It also helps reduce or maintain weight, fight depression, increases circulation and respiration. For more information on activities and exercise, call 386-362-2771.

Weight Management
Let's Walk Florida is a 10-week virtual educational program designed to help you achieve health through physical activity. It includes health guides, group check-ins and competitions with other walkers and teams. Solo-walkers are welcome.

Chronic Disease Prevention
Do you need a class on how to manage your diabetes or high blood pressure? Suwannee County Extension can help! Visit the Events tab to learn more about upcoming classes, or call 386-362-2771.