New Radio Show Launches
Quick tips with Gardening in a Minute
Floridians love to garden, and plant lovers get their gardening information from a variety of sources including the Internet, books, and word of mouth. Many Florida gardeners also rely on the Florida Cooperative Extension Service.
But not everyone knows about our numerous publications and horticultural experts. More surprising, studies show that many people who access Extension programs and use Extension materials don't know what Extension is.
A new Extension radio show called Gardening in a Minute offers daily gardening tips to Floridians. The show, voiced by Master Gardener Coordinator Tom Wichman, is written in a friendly and fun style that appeals to both amateur and experienced gardeners.
"I’m really excited about this project," Wichman said. "It’s going to be a great way to get word out about IFAS Extension and all that we do."
Gardening in a Minute, which currents airs on NPR stations in North Florida (and eventually on stations throughout the state), is designed to pique the interest of listeners. Each show refers the audience to local Extension offices and the Gardening in a Minute website.
Listeners will hear information about landscaping practices, wildlife habitats, home vegetable production, and other items of interest. Gardening in a Minute encourages homeowners to integrate Florida-friendly landscaping practices into their landscapes and gardens.
The website provides extensive research-based gardening information in a user-friendly and attractive format. It also includes a gardening contest and an "ask-the-expert" feature that gives visitors the opportunity to seek specific answers to questions from University of Florida faculty. All of the Gardening in a Minute shows will be available online.
"The show and website are full of great information I can use. I’ve been looking for a useful Florida gardening resource," said Julie Graddy, Gainesville gardener and homeowner. "I didn’t know you could learn that much in a minute."
Gardening in a Minute premiered October 2, 2006, on WUFT-FM in Gainesville and WJUF-FM in Inverness. The program airs at 6:18 p.m. as well as during the 2 p.m. hour. WUFT-FM, Classic 89 and WJUF-FM, Nature Coast 90 are public radio stations whose coverage area includes nineteen counties in North Central and Mid Florida.
To find out how to get the show in your area, contact your county Extension office.
Adapted from:
UF News: New UF radio series gives gardeners Florida-friendly information by Sue Wagner. (9/2006).