4-H Frequently Asked Questions
How do I join a Broward County 4-H Club?
- Take a look at the Broward 4-H Club Directory
- Contact the leader of the club that you would like to join
- Set up a time to attend a meeting
- Once you have attended a club meeting and decide to join, register in 4-H Online and pay the $20 membership fee (max: $60 per family). Please note that only Community Club Members are required to pay the annual membership fee. If you are a member of a school-based club, please talk to your teacher about registering in 4-H Online. See this guide for how youth can enroll.
Are there other ways of getting involved in 4-H, other than joining a club?
Joining a club is the best way to get the full 4-H experience. However, we also offer independent club membership for those unable to join or start a club. Visit our Get Involved with 4-H page for more information about independent membership.
We also offer short-term special events such as day camps, residential camping trips, and state summer events. Visit the 4-H Events page for more information about specific opportunities
Is 4-H just for farm kids?
No! While 4-H clubs were first known as "corn clubs" for boys and "canning clubs" for girls, the program is now found in every one of Florida's 67 counties. 4-H is geared toward all young people, regardless of where they live, what background they have, or what they find interesting. Today, in Florida, many 4-H members are from urban areas and they participate in projects to learn many different life skills. 4-H Projects include everything from cooking and nutrition to robotics and engineering, sewing, leadership, civic engagement, archery, fishing, marine ecology, visual and creative arts, and much more!
The 4-H program reaches boys and girls alike through 4-H clubs, special interest groups and short-term projects, school-age child care, individual and family learning and mentoring, camping, and school enrichment. 4-H offers membership without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability.
Where does 4-H get its funding, and what does it cost to be a member?
UF/IFAS Broward County Extension Education receives funding for the 4-H program from the USDA, the State of Florida, the University of Florida, and the Broward County Parks and Recreation Division, as well as a variety of private donors.
As of the 2016-17 4-H Year, a state-mandated $20 membership fee ($20 per youth) was implemented. This fee helps to fund the program at the state and county levels, and covers the cost of member insurance and one project book per youth. Any additional project books or project materials must be purchased by the club or individual member. Some clubs may charge additional club dues (or conduct fundraisers) to provide some project materials.
You can make fee payments HERE. Cloverbud members are charged a $20 fee in Broward County due to programming costs. Payment for those fees can be done over the phone with a credit card by calling our office at 954-756-8519.
How do I pay the membership fee? Can I pay by check?
The membership fee can either be paid online with a credit card on 4-H Online when you register.
If you would like to pay by check, please select "payment for this invoice will be collected by 4-H Institution" when registering in 4-H Online. Please make checks payable to "University of Florda" and mail to:
UF/IFAS Extension 4-H Youth Development Program
Attn: Membership Fees
PO Box 110225
Gainesville, FL 32611-0225 -
Are members required to use the 4-H Online enrollment system? Do parents also need to enroll?
All 4-H members and parents must register in 4-H Online. In order to be eligible to participate in the South Florida Fair, youth must be enrolled in 4-H Online by November 1. In order to be eligible to participate in the Broward 4-H Community Fair, youth must be enrolled in 4-H Online by March 1. Please do not register in 4-H Online until you have contacted a club leader and have planned to attend one of the club meetings. Club leaders will only approve members who are active members in their club.
Are there age divisions in 4-H? What do these age divisions mean?
Age divisions are determined based on the child's age at the beginning of the current 4-H Year (September 1).
- Cloverbud: Ages 5-7
- Junior: Ages 8-10
- Intermediate: Ages 11-13
- Senior: Ages 14-18
These age divisions are utilized for county officer eligibility, competitive events, and many county/district/state events. During competitive events, youth will be judged within their age division (i.e.: Junior Grand Champion, Intermediate Grand Champion, and Senior Grand Champion).
Cloverbuds are welcome to participate in most 4-H activities, with the exception of shooting sports, large-animal projects, motor vehicle projects, and overnight/camping events. Cloverbuds may participate in competitive events such as the fair. Cloverbuds will receive a participation ribbon and feedback from judges, however, they are not eligible to advance to district competitive events
Does the "H" in 4-H stand for something?
The "H" in 4-H actually stands for four different words, each beginning with that letter: head, heart, hands, and health. These words are also part of the 4-H pledge and emblem.
At 4-H club meetings and other 4-H events, members recite the Pledge of Allegiance and this 4-H pledge: "I pledge my head to clearer thinking, my heart to greater loyalty, my hands to larger service, and my health to better living, for my club, my community, my country, and my world."
The 4-H emblem is a green four-leaf clover with a white "H" on each leaflet, symbolizing the four Hs. Green and white are the 4-H colors. The 4-H emblem was protected by an Act of Congress in 1924.
What are the 4-H motto and slogan?
4-H Motto: "To Make the Best Better."
4-H Slogan: "Learn by Doing."
What is a 4-H club?
A club, or group of 4-H members, is one of the most important parts of the 4-H program. A 4-H club is a group of five or more 4-H members (from at least three different families) and is guided by two or more adult volunteer leaders. The size of the club depends on the age of the members, the places they have to meet, and the leadership available. The ideal club is big enough to have fun together but small enough for everyone to feel a part of the group.
4-H clubs are required to hold at least nine business meetings per year. Depending on what the group wants to do, most clubs meet once or twice per month during the school-year to work on projects, take field trips, and engage in service learning opportunities. The 4-H year runs September 1 to August 31. Sometimes, members may have to be enrolled in a club project by a certain time to be eligible for some activities, such as the fair.
Where and when do 4-H clubs meet?
Meeting times and locations depend on the group. Many community clubs meet for an hour or two after school, in the evening, or on Saturday. School clubs may meet for an hour or two after the school day. The most important thing is to have a regular time to get together. A 4-H club may be organized on a community or neighborhood basis and meet at local facilities or members' homes. Clubs can also be organized within a school, using the school's facilities, time, and staff. Any place large enough and convenient for the club members is a good choice. UF/IFAS Broward County Extension even hosts some club meetings!
What do 4-H clubs do at meetings?
4-H clubs usually participate in four kinds of activities during a meeting: business, special interest programs, project work, and recreation or social activities. Clubs may conduct business, work on their projects for a little while, and then play a game or two. Sometimes the whole meeting is devoted to one topic.
What kinds of projects do 4-H members work on?
4-H projects are challenging but practical, planned courses of study with learning experiences centered on a specific subject. Members usually work on a project (or subject area) for a year. Hands-on, learning-by-doing involvement is the most important aspect of a project.
Making, growing, caring, observing, and participating are all involved in 4-H projects. Some clubs have several project leaders and do specific project work at club meetings. Some rely on parents and others to help members individually.
What does a 4-H project cost?
Project costs vary. Members are responsible for the cost of supplies for projects. Some projects might use supplies from around the house and cost only a few dollars, while others might cost significantly more money. The cost of the project should be realistic for all club members.
Are 4-H members expected to do their own project work?
4-H members are expected to do their own project work, but they may receive help. Members are expected to select at least one project and complete one or more learning experiences related to the project during the year. 4-H is a learn-by-doing program. Leaders, junior leaders, and parents may tell or show members how to do the project, but members are expected to learn to do things themselves.
What is an exhibit?
An exhibit is an object or display designed to show something that the members have accomplished. Ideally, it motivates members to learn and to have fun while completing a 4-H project. However, an exhibit is not a measure of all the learning that takes place in a project.
It is important to remember that self-recognition and self-satisfaction for having completed a project are important rewards. A ribbon is only one measure of success.
How do I become a 4-H volunteer?
Volunteer leaders are the heart of the 4-H program. Volunteers complete a volunteer application, youth protection training, and volunteer orientation before they become active. Additionally, volunteers receive training in skills they will need to become successful 4-H volunteers. Interested in becoming a 4-H volunteer? Contact the 4-H Office at 954-756-8518 and provide some information about your background. We will work with you to identify a position that is right for you.
How many leaders should a 4-H club have?
That depends on the side of the club and the ages of the members. At least two background-screened and fingerprinted leaders are required. The average club has three to five leaders.
Where would one learn how to be a 4-H leader?
The UF/IFAS Broward County Extension Education office is the first point of contact, where staff is available to support volunteers. After completing the screening process, orientation is provided to new, qualified volunteers (so no previous experience is necessary). Leaders are also invited to special training meetings and provided with the materials needed to conduct 4-H club meetings. An experienced leader may also assist a new volunteer through our Volunteer Mentor Program. To volunteer, contact UF/IFAS Broward County Extension Education at (954) 756-8518.
What's expected of 4-H parents?
Children need parental encouragement to get them started in 4-H and to keep them involved in the program in later years. Parents can help by sharing, preparing, being there, and caring.
Sharing: Provide encouragement and take interest in 4-H projects and activities. Listen, look, and offer suggestions, but avoid the temptation to take over and do things. Children learn by their mistakes as well as successes.
Preparing: Help children understand the value of doing projects, having duties in the club, and following through on responsibilities as expected by others.
Being there: Children gain more from 4-H by attending meetings regularly and getting involved in 4-H activities. Parents are welcome at meetings and are encouraged to stay and observe. They are also encouraged to lend a hand whenever possible but also to remember that 4-H clubs are for kids.
Caring: Arrange to participate whenever possible. Parents' presence shows the child that what he or she is doing is very important.
Broward County 4-H Team (954) 756-8519 broward4h@ifas.ufl.edu
Physical & Mailing Address 3245 College Avenue Davie, FL 33314
Hours Monday - Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm