Food, Nutrition and Wellness in Broward
The UF/IFAS Extension Family and Consumer Sciences program is here to help you better understand a variety of topics related to nutrition, health, and food safety. We can provide tools you need to make positive changes that contribute to living a long and healthy life.
Specifically, we can teach you about making mindful food choices that allow you to stay well and have the energy you need to do the things you want to do throughout your life. We can also empower you with knowledge and skills to grow your own fruits and vegetables, safely handle and store food, and explore opportunities for physical activity. Eating properly with regular exercise can extend good health even into old age.
Nutrition, Health and Resource Management
The Family Nutrition Program (FNP) at UF/IFAS Extension is part of the USDA's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed). This free program for low-income individuals is available in approximately 40 counties across the state of Florida, including Broward.
FNP seeks to decrease the risk of chronic disease and improve the quality of life for all Floridians. We offer free nutrition education classes on eating healthy and being active on a budget. Our classes are engaging and interactive, and can include cooking demonstrations and tastings of healthy recipes. All classes are evidenced-based, consistent with USDA dietary guidelines, and age-specific.
Community partnerships are vital to FNP. Local organizations allow FNP to bring nutrition, gardening and physical education to SNAP-eligible participants in our community. Examples of partners include: parks, schools, food pantries, farmers markets, libraries, community centers and faith-based organizations. Contact our FNP Extension Program Manager for more information by calling (954) 756-8522.
Farm to School and Community
FNP’s Farm to School and Community program helps make Florida-grown foods more accessible to SNAP-eligible program participants in Broward. The FNP team works with local partners—schools, farmers, businesses, farmers markets, food service professionals, non-profit organizations, and local agencies—to improve the health of county citizens, while benefiting farmers and the local economy. Some of the projects include: developing school and community gardens; promoting the use of SNAP-EBT cards at farmers markets; bringing fresh Florida grown foods into school cafeterias; and training and support for teachers, gardeners, and the community. Contact our FNP Food System Specialist for more information by calling (954) 756-8522.
Supporting Healthy Communities
FNP’s Public Health Specialist is responsible for promoting positive changes in policies, systems, and the environments in which adults and children make choices about food and fitness. Our specialist leverages evidence-based practices that can support sustainable, healthy behaviors in a variety of settings such as community centers, senior sites, parks, and schools. This includes advocating for and implementing programs that increase access to fresh foods, promoting healthy vending and snack programs, and training staff who serve low-resource populations on supporting healthier lifestyles. Some of our training programs and initiatives include the Smarter Lunchroom Movement, healthy childcare centers, worksite wellness initiatives, and school wellness policies. Contact our FNP Public Health Specialist for more information by calling (954) 756-8522
Contact Us
Brenda Marty Jimenez Extension Agent IV (954) 756-8522 bjimenez@ufl.edu
Address 3245 College Avenue Davie, FL 33314
Hours Monday-Friday 8:00 am – 5 pm