Duval County 4-H Youth Development
4-H is the nation’s largest youth development organization. Over 230,000 members in the State of Florida help to make up the community of more than 6.5 million young people across America. 4-H is a non-formal, practical educational program for youth. Florida 4-H is the youth development program of Florida Cooperative Extension, a part of the University of Florida IFAS. 4-H is open to all youth, ages 5-18 and serves youth from all backgrounds and interests. It reaches both boys and girls through 4-H clubs, projects, individual and family learning, mentoring, camping, and school enrichment.

About 4-H
Developing all youth to reach their fullest potential through: life-skill development, project work, and school enrichment with learning by doing- hands on learning opportunities.
4-H Volunteers
Duval 4-H relies on dedicated volunteers to promote its mission to help youth gain the knowledge and life skills they need to be productive, responsible citizens. Your time as a volunteer will provide these youth the safe environment they need to pursue whatever interests, causes, and leadership roles that are most important to them.
School Enrichment Programs
4-H offers several programs to teachers which supplement what is being taught in the classroom. These programs are open to public schools, private/religious schools, and home school co-ops.
Duval 4-H Clubs
Clubs are the foundation of 4-H. A 4-H club is a group of five or more youth guided by adult volunteers and has a planned program that is ongoing throughout the 4-H year. Check out this page to find out more about the Duval County 4-H club program
The 4-H Online Enrollment System is used to keep track of all youth and volunteers that are involved with the 4-H program. All youth ages 5-18 years old are encouraged to join today! Click here to learn about the Duval County 4-H Enrollment process.
4-H Summer Camps
Duval County 4-H offers many residential, day, and teen-level summer camping opportunities. Many programs are open to non-4-H members as well as currently enrolled members.