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JeffCo Bus driving angled to the left of photographer- dirt road

Who We Are

The Cooperative Extension Service is a nationwide  informal educational system created by the federal Smith-Lever Act of 1914.  It is a partnership between state land grant universities, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the county governments throughout the nation. All of these groups share in the planning, financing, and operation of extension programs. Funding and programs are provided jointly by the federal, state and local government partners. Here, that’s the USDA, the University of Florida Institute of Food & Agricultural Science (IFAS) and the Jefferson County Board of County Commissioners.

Most of the 3,200 counties nationwide have a county  Extension agent whose role is to provide informal, pragmatic education  and informational services to

  • commercial and homeowner / hobbyist agriculture and  agribusiness
  • natural resource based enterprises
  • local citizens as households, consumers and families
  • youth and community organizations

The Extension office is a department within county government. The office collaborates with other county and USDA offices, the chamber of commerce, agri-industry & consumer groups, the public library, and the school system to fulfill its roles of information services, technology transfer and assistance to individuals or groups in making informed decisions in their self-interest.

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What We Can Help With

vegetable basketAgriculture

butterflyNatural Resources

4-H Children in a kitchen4-H Youth Development

Clipping plantsLawn & Garden

family at farmers marketFamily Resources

food safetyLearning Opportunities


Physical and Mailing Address 2729 W. Washington Hwy Monticello, FL 32344

Hours Monday - Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm

Phone (850) 342-0187

Fax  (850) 342-3483

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