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Cherrylake Nursery

Environmental Horticulture - Commercial Production


Florida-Friendly Landscape design plans with native plants

Plant clinic

If you have a nursery or greenhouse in lake county and have a problem, contact Brooke for free site visits and consultations. the plant clinic for commercial producers is open at the UF/IFAS Mid-Florida Research and Education Center in Apopka every Tuesday from 1-4 pm and many issues can be determined there for free. 

Seeing some weird galls on Ligustrum? It is not herbicide as we thought in the past, but an eriophyid mite. Galls on Ligustrum.



Commercial horticulture extension agent

Brooke Moffis Environmental Horticulture Extension Agent 352-343-4101

Physical Address UF/IFAS Extension Lake County, 1951 Woodlea Rd. Tavares, FL 32778

Mailing Address 1951 Woodlea Rd., Tavares, FL 32778

Hours Monday - Friday 8:00 am – 5:00 pm