Pesticide Applicator Training
People who would like to become licensed pesticide applicators [Restricted Use and Limited Certification] can attend training classes to help prepare for exams.
- View upcoming training classes or call (305) 248-3311 Ext. 242 for a registration form. Pre-Registration and pre-payment is required.
- Restricted Use Pesticides licenses (Chapter 487 F.S.) require taking and passing at least 2 exams.
- Limited Certification licenses (Chapter 482 F.S.) are based on passing 1 exam.
- Closed-book exams are given at the end of each training class. You MUST bring a valid driver’s license or state ID to take an exam. Bring a pen or pencil to take notes. Calculators are provided for the exam(s). Plan on up to 3 hours to take an exam after training.
- Classes are held in the auditorium at the John D. Campbell Ag Center in Homestead. All classes begin at 8:30 am. All classes offer appropriate CEUs to currently licensed applicators.
- If you are attending for CEUs only: 4 CEU workshops end by 1 pm; 6 CEU workshops end by 3 pm.
- Training for the Private Applicator License in Spanish offered by UF/IFAS Palm Beach County Extension
After entering, select "Pesticide Certification."
Then select either:
- How to Navigate-Glossary
- General Standard (CORE)
- Private Applicator
OSHA Globally Harmonized System Information
OSHA is requiring that employees are trained on the new label elements (i.e., pictograms, hazard statements, precautionary statements, and signal words) and SDS format by December 1, 2013, while full compliance with the final rule will begin in 2015. OSHA believes that American workplaces will soon begin to receive labels and SDSs that are consistent with the GHS, since many American and foreign chemical manufacturers have already begun to produce HazCom 2012/GHS-compliant labels and SDSs. It is important to ensure that when employees begin to see the new labels and SDSs in their workplaces, they will be familiar with them, understand how to use them, and access the information effectively. More Information...
The three major areas of change are in hazard classification, labels, and safety data sheets.
- Hazard classification: The definitions of hazard have been changed to provide specific criteria for classification of health and physical hazards, as well as classification of mixtures. These specific criteria will help to ensure that evaluations of hazardous effects are consistent across manufacturers, and that labels and safety data sheets are more accurate as a result.
- Labels: Chemical manufacturers and importers will be required to provide a label that includes a harmonized signal word, pictogram, and hazard statement for each hazard class and category. Precautionary statements must also be provided.
- Safety Data Sheets: Will now have a specified 16-section format.
- OSHA Developed Materials – NOTE: Some of these files are designed for unusual paper sizes, make sure you use the “print to fit” option
Information for Pesticide Applicators
FDACS Website Resources
To access the FDACS database, you may need to install Jinator before you can use it. Be patient, it takes a long time to download!
- FDACS Website for Pesticide Applicators
- Access earned CEUs or exam scores
- Find CEU classes
- Worker Protection Standard (Agricultural Worker Safety)
FREE Online CEU Articles
Online CEU articles through Florida Grower
Please remember that CEU articles are only valid for 1 year from the month when they were published.
Managing Resistance
Insecticide Resistance Action Committee (IRAC)
These take some time to download:
Fungicide Resistance Action Committee (FRAC)
Herbicide Resistance Action Committee (HRAC):
Qingren Wang, Ph.D. Vegetable Crops Extension Agent II qrwang@ufl.edu
Office Address 18710 SW 288 St. Homestead, FL 33030
Phone: (305) 248-3311 x234 Fax: (305) 246-2932
Hours Monday - Friday 8:00AM – 5:00PM