Extension Web Policies
We strive to ensure that SolutionsForYourLife.com is accessible to individuals with disabilities, in accordance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. Please contact us if you have difficulty viewing any of our pages using adaptive technology.
Copyright Policy
EDIS publications are covered by their own copyright policy, found at the bottom of each publication and reproduced here:
This document is copyrighted by the University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) for the people of the State of Florida. UF/IFAS retains all rights under all conventions, but permits free reproduction by all agents and offices of the Cooperative Extension Service and the people of the State of Florida. Permission is granted to others to use these materials in part or in full for educational purposes, provided that full credit is given to the UF/IFAS, citing the publication, its source, and date of publication.
Some of the photos on this website are copyrighted, while others are copyright-free. If you would like to use an image from the site for educational or informational purposes (including photo collections, textbooks, public exhibits, and web pages), you must contact us for permission.
Other / General
The remaining content of SolutionsForYourLife.com is copyrighted by the University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) for the people of the State of Florida. UF/IFAS retains all rights under all laws and conventions, but permits free use and reproduction by all agents and offices of the Cooperative Extension Service, and permits others to use and reproduce these materials in part or in full, in reasonable quantities, for educational purposes.
Full credit shall be given to UF/IFAS in each reproduction in the following format: Copyright University of Florida/Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, with date of publication.
The materials provided on SolutionsForYourLife.com may not be used for any other purposes, including without limitation commercial purposes, without permission, or as may be permitted under copyright laws. These materials shall not be utilized to endorse commercial goods or services.
Please e-mail us with any questions.
Linking Policy
UF/IFAS websites are copyrighted. Other websites--including individuals' personal websites--may link to UF/IFAS websites without explicit permission from UF/IFAS. However, such links may not explicitly or implicitly convey UF/IFAS endorsement of commercial goods or services.
SolutionsForYourLife.com links to many websites created and maintained by other private and public organizations. UF/IFAS provides these links as a service to our users, but the presence of a link on a UF/IFAS website does not indicate endorsement of the linked website or anything found on it.
UF/IFAS is not responsible for the accuracy of the information on outside websites. Additionally, users should follow the copyright policies of outside sites as provided on each site or as required by law.
Logo Usage
The "Solutions for Your Life" logo is trademarked and may not be reproduced without permission. Contact us for permission.
Privacy Policy
UF/IFAS complies with the University of Florida's Internet Privacy Policy and does not collect personal information about you unless you voluntarily provide it.
If you choose to provide us with personal information, through completing a form or sending us an e-mail, we will use that information to respond to you and to help us get you the information or services you have requested. If you provide us with personal information, we will not sell it or otherwise share it. Information collected through questionnaires, feedback forms, or other means enables us to determine visitors’ interests and information needs, so that we can provide better service to our customers
When users follow a link to an outside website, they are leaving UF/IFAS and are subject to the privacy and security policies of the owners or sponsors of that site. UF/IFAS is not responsible for the information collection practices of outside sites.
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 110210
Gainesville, FL 32611