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Land Grant Universities

The Cooperative Extension System (CES), established with the Smith-Lever Act of 1914, provides research-based education to the public to improve their daily lives. The CES represents partnerships between the USDA's National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) and land-grant universities across the United States. The University of Florida is Florida's premier land-grant university, with its Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) responsible for administering the state's Extension system. Below is a list of all CES partners of NIFA.

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Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical University
Alcorn State University
Auburn University
University of Alaska Fairbanks
University of Arizona
University of Arkansas
University of Arkansas Pine Bluff

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Clemson University
Colorado State University 
Cornell University
University of California, Davis
University of California, Riverside
University of Connecticut

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Delaware State University
University of Delaware
University of the District of Columbia

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Florida A&M University
University of Florida

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University of Georgia
University of Guam

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University of Hawaii at Manoa

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Iowa State University
University of Idaho
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

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Kansas State University
Kentucky State University
University of Kentucky

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Langston University
Lincoln University of Missouri
Louisiana State University

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Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Michigan State University
Mississippi State University
University of Maine
University of Maryland, College Park
University of Maryland Eastern Shore
University of Massachusetts Amherst
University of Minnesota
University of Missouri–Columbia

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New Mexico State University
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University
North Carolina State University
North Dakota State University
University of Nebraska–Lincoln
University of Nevada, Reno
University of New Hampshire

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Ohio State University
Oklahoma State University–Stillwater
Oregon State University

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Pennsylvania State University
Plymouth State University
Prairie View Agricultural and Mechanical  University
Purdue University
University of Puerto Rico

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Rutgers University
University of Rhode Island

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South Carolina State University
South Dakota State University
Southern University and A&M College

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Tennessee State University
Texas A&M University
Tuskegee University
University of Tennessee

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Utah State University

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University of Vermont
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Virginia State University

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University of Wisconsin–Madison
University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point
University of Wyoming
Washington State University
West Virginia State University
West Virginia University

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What We Can Help With

vegetable basketAgriculture

butterflyNatural Resources

4-H Children in a kitchen4-H Youth Development

Clipping plantsLawn & Garden

family at farmers marketFamily Resources

food safetyLearning Opportunities


Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 110210
Gainesville, FL 32611


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