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4-H Community Clubs

North Brevard | Central Brevard | South Brevard

Our clubs are open to everyone in the County! You do not need to live in the same area as a club to attend.

North Brevard

  • 4-H Life

    Jennifer Hill -

    This is a general 4-H club where members learn a variety of different skills while exploring various 4-H project areas. Youth in this club will learn about poultry, horses, gardening, cooking, leadership, and much more! The club meets on the 2nd and 3rd Thursday in the Titusville area. 

  • Sharp Eye Shooters Archery

    Jennifer Hill -

    Primarily an archery club, other shooting sports including traditional black powder rifles, small bore rifle and introductory shotgun sports are also taught. We meet twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Fridays at the Titusville Rifle and Pistol Club in Mims.  Contact Ms. Jennifer before coming as exact times can change due to school schedules and weather conditions.

Central Brevard

  • 4-H Outdoor Skills Club

    Fenny Csaszar -

    Brevard County Extension Office, Cocoa

    The Outdoor Skills Club focuses on archery and shooting sports along with primitive skills such as knot tying, fire building, outdoor cooking, and more. Meetings are held the 1st Tuesday of each month at 5:30 PM.

  • Bug Club

    Carly Bourtis-

    UF/IFAS Extension Office, Cocoa

    This club provides youth with opportunities to learn the world of insects, including insect identification, anatomy and physiology, and more. Members will also have the opportunity to create their own insect collection and compete at the Florida 4-H Insectathon competition in January. The club meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at 5:30 PM at the UF/IFAS Extension office in Cocoa.

  • Discover 4-H Club

    Gayle Whitworth-New:


    This is a general 4-H club to introduce new and existing members to the many program areas 4-H has to offer. The club meets on the 3rd Monday of each month at the UF/IFAS Extension office in Cocoa at 6 PM.

  • Leadership Club

    Gayle Whitworth-New:

    The Leadership Club is open to Intermediate and Senior level 4-Hers who want to build their leadership and civic engagement skills. This club meets the 1st Wednesday of each month at the UF/IFAS Extension office in Cocoa at 5:30 PM.

  • Photography Club

    Marilyn Cook - & Lisa Parlotto-Van

    The Photography Club is open to Intermediate and Senior 4-Hers. The club will introduce members to concepts such as exposure, composition, focus, and lighting, and will teach youth what the buttons and dials do to build a strong foundation of technical skills. Members must have a digital camera and basic photo editing software or apps. The club meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 5:30 PM at the UF/IFAS Extension office in Cocoa.

  • Sewing Club

    Janet White:

    This club teaches the fundamentals of sewing and works toward a project to be entered in the Brevard County 4-H Fair. The club meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each moth at the UF/IFAS Extension office in Cocoa at 6 PM.

  • Tabletop Gaming Club

    Kristi and Jessica -

    UF/IFAS Extension Office, Cocoa

    The Tabletop Gaming Club will immerse youth in the world of tabletop games. The club will learn several different types of tabletop games throughout the year, such as D&D, Warhammer, and many more. Youth will learn character and world building, as well as strategy, team, and leadership skills. There is no prior experience needed and no age restrictions, but for optimal participation, youth should be able to read and grasp basic math skills. If you are interested in joining the club or would like more information, please contact Kristi and Jessica at

    This club meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month, 5:30 PM - 7 PM, at the UF/IFAS Extension office in Cocoa.

South Brevard

  • Primitive Opossums Shooting & Outdoor Skills Club 

    Kristi Dailey/Jessica Busby - 

    This club covers shooting sports disciplines such as archery, small bore rifle, shotgun, and muzzleloaders as well as primitive and outdoor skills, wildlife ID, orienteering, hunting, and camping skills. We also teach Hunter Safety skills and Youth Hunter Education Challenge Skills (YHEC). The club meets at the Port Malabar Rifle and Pistol Club and at Triple N Range. Contact Ms. Kristi before coming because exact times can change due to school schedules and weather conditions.

  • Fantastic Farm

    Katie Wilson - and Rochelle McGee -


    Wickham Park, Melbourne

    The Fantastic Farm is a farm and garden club located in Melbourne at Wickham Park. This is a family participation club that runs a cooperative farm with chickens, ducks, and turkeys, as well as a vegetable garden. They meet year-round on the 2nd Sunday of every month at 9 AM.

  • Little Growers

    Camille Hadley - 

    Little Growers is a gardening club that meets in Melbourne. Youth plan, plant, and harvest a garden and learn valuable life skills throughout the process! 

  • Pony Tails

    Virginia Tucker - & Sue Hiller - 

    Pony Tails club is for those interested in learning about the care, responsibilities, and science of horses. You do not need to own a horse to join. We welcome all those who love horses and want to learn more about them. We will be meeting at Robertson Ranch every other Saturday at 10 AM. Contact Ms. Virigina or Ms. Sue for location address.

  • 4-H Horse & Farm LIFE

    Kelly Moutsatsos - 

    Meeting Location: Varies by month - check out their Facebook page for all the details 

    This county club welcomes 4-H members interested in all projects, from art and music to animals and gardening. They specialize in horses, chickens, and rabbits. This is a no animals needed club - children can participare in 4-H competitions without owning livestock. Check out their Facebook page, 4H Horse & Farm LIFE Club, text/call 321-604-5299, or email for all of the latest information! 


Judging teams are formed from youth participating in 4-H clubs who come together to learn about a special project area such as horses, poultry, etc. Youth learn information throughout the year and go on to compete at judging event to test their knowledge about their project against 4-H members from other counties.

  • Horse Judging

    Barbara Nagle -

    The Horse Judging Team learns how to evaluate the conformation and performance of horses based on fact, organize their ideas, then present persuasive arguments. The Horse Judging team is open to Intermediate and Senior aged youth who are participating in a horse project. Meetings are once a month at 6:30 via Zoom. Contact Ms. Barbara for more information.

  • Poultry Judging

    Lisa Good -

    The Poultry Judging team learns about topics related to judging poultry in the areas of past egg production, ready to cook chickens, chicken parts, and egg grading, and learns how rank and sequence their choices. The club competes at the State Fair in February in Tampa. The club meets twice per month on Thursdays. Contact Ms. Lisa for more information.