So you’re interested in joining 4-H? We offer a variety of youth programming, including community clubs, afterschool programming, in-school enrichment, short-term special interest (SPIN) clubs, camps, and more. Follow the below steps to learn how to get involved in Brevard County 4-H.
- Check out your local clubs, camps, and events on the Brevard County 4-H website (you're in the right place!)
- If you’re interested in joining a club, pick a few that interest you to try out.
- Reach out to the 4-H Agent at (321) 633-1702. They can get you more information, answer your questions, and get you in touch with the Club Leader.
- After speaking to the 4-H Agent or club leader and deciding which club(s) you'd like to join, enroll as a 4-H member using our 4HOnline enrollment system. The new program year officially begins September 1, of each year. 4HOnline enrollment for each 4-H year will begin in August of each year. All current youth members and adult volunteers will need to re-enroll in 4HOnline yearly.
Membership Fees
Florida 4-H membership fees are $25 per child for the year. This fee is for youth ages 8 and older (as of September 1st). $15.00 will go directly to the local county 4-H program to help support county events, activities, and competitions for 4-H youth as well as screenings for volunteers and other expenses. $10.00 will go to the state 4-H Program to help improve, update, and modernize state-level events, activities, and competitions for 4-H youth. This money will also help cover the costs of things previously covered by counties such as insurance and transporting youth to regional and state events.
If the membership fee total is more than your family can afford at this time, please contact the Brevard County 4-H office for scholarship information.
Age Divisions
Age of youth is determined by the age as of September 1st of the 4-H year.
- Cloverbud: 5 - 7 years old
- Junior: 8 - 10 years old
- Intermediate: 11 - 13 years old
- Senior: 14 - 18 years old
Enrollment - 4-H Online
All members and volunteers create profiles in 4-H Online. This system is used to keep track of all youth and volunteers who are involved with the 4-H program. It is mandatory that all youth are entered into the system, not just for reporting purposes, but as a way to keep track of information for each individual. If a child has an allergy or a special need, 4-H Online is the place to report it.
Returning Youth Members & Adult Volunteers
Re-enrollment will open in 4HOnline on August 5. The new 4-H year officially begins September 1. To help ensure your re-enrollment is as easy as possible, please read the information below and contact the county Extension office if you have any questions prior to the beginning of the re-enrollment process.
Please DO NOT create a new family or member profile in 4HOnline if you are a returning 4-H family. Log into 4HOnline with your family e-mail address and password.
- If you do not remember your password, you can request a new one at the 4HOnline login page. Simply select "I forgot my password." You will then type in your family e-mail and set the role to family. Click "Send My Password" and you will receive an e-mail with a temporary password.
- Parents and Guardians are responsible for creating and maintaining family and member profiles. Youth should not be given passwords to access 4HOnline profiles.
2) Once you are logged into your family profile, you will click edit next to the individuals you wish to re-enroll.
3) Review profile information very carefully and update all required information in the Personal Information, Authorizations, Health Form and the Participation sections of the enrollment.
- Be sure to update clubs and projects under the participation section for each re-enrollment.
4) When finished click Submit Enrollment.
5) Families re-enrolling community club members, 4-H ages 8-18 (age as of September 1, of the current program year), will be asked to visit the Florida 4-H website (http://florida4h.org/membershipfees/) to pay the required annual Florida 4-H community club membership fee. Youth will not be made active by the county until the membership fee has been paid. If you are unsure of your club's classification, contact your 4-H Club Leader or County Extension Office to find out if you are required to pay the fee.
6) Once your enrollment is reviewed and made active by your county 4-H office, you will receive an e-mail stating your enrollment has been made active.
- 4HOnline works best when using Google Chrome or Firefox as your web browser. If you are using an old version of Internet Explorer (IE 11 or lower), you may experience issues navigating through the 4HOnline enrollment sections.
- Detailed Instructions are available at the 4HOnline homepage.