Eating Well
Diet fads come and go, but healthy eating never goes out of style. Learn about proper nutrition, healthy foods, and food safety.
UF/IFAS Publications
- Diet and Dieting
- Elder Nutrition and Food Safety Program (ENAFS)
- Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program
- Family Nutrition Program
- Feeding Babies and Young Children
- Food Allergies
- Food and Fitness: Myths and Truths
- Food and Nutrition Extension Programs
- Food/Drug/Nutrient Interactions
- Food Safety Issues
- 4-H Foods and Nutrition
- Healthy Living: Create Your Plate!
- Meals and Snacks
- Meal Planning and Shopping
- Nutrients
- Nutrition
- Nutrition Counseling
- Nutrition for Babies and Young Children
Other Sites & Publications
- Child Nutrition Programs--USDA
- Diet & Nutrition--American Heart Association
- Finding Your Way to a Healthier You--USDA
- Food and Nutrition Information Center
- Food Safety Gateway
- Fruits & Veggies Matter--Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC)
- MyPlate--USDA
- National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders
- National Nutrient Database--USDA
- Nutrition Gateway--USDA
- Nutrition Source Food Pyramids: What Should You Really Eat? -- Harvard SPH
- Waste-free Lunches
- We Can!--National Institutes of Health
- What's In the Foods You Eat?--USDA
Return to Health & Nutrition.
- Disaster Prep and Recovery
- Disease Prevention and Management
- Families & Consumers
- Family Time
- Health and Nutrition
- Health and Nutrition for Children
- Health Care
- Pest Control
- Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences
- Expanded Food & Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)
- Family Nutrition Program (FNP)
- Food Science and Human Nutrition Department
- Health in a Heartbeat
UF/IFAS Publications
- Aging and Caregiving
- Children, Elders and Family
- Community Development
- Eating Well
- Food Safety in the Home
- Health and Nutrition
- Housing and Home Environment
- Money Matters
- Parenting
- Relationships
State & Federal Agencies