Sustainable Communities
Sustainability is about more than just going green! Vibrant, sustainable communities make the most of their resources and have a comprehensive plan in place for when disaster strikes.
Click the links or watch the videos below for information from UF/IFAS experts on how you can contribute to a sustainable community as well as prepare for and recover from a disaster.
- Disaster Prep and Recovery
- Disease Prevention and Management
- Families & Consumers
- Family Time
- Health and Nutrition
- Health and Nutrition for Children
- Health Care
- Pest Control
- Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences
- Expanded Food & Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP)
- Family Nutrition Program (FNP)
- Food Science and Human Nutrition Department
- Health in a Heartbeat
UF/IFAS Publications
- Aging and Caregiving
- Children, Elders and Family
- Community Development
- Eating Well
- Food Safety in the Home
- Health and Nutrition
- Housing and Home Environment
- Money Matters
- Parenting
- Relationships
State & Federal Agencies