Irrigation Evaluations
The UF/IFAS Extension Hillsborough County office offers a free on-site irrigation evaluation service for community and condominium associations, as well as Hillsborough County residents, that are high water users irrigating with metered water. This program, coordinated by Will Stone, offers free on-site presentations to educate community associations, property managers and landscape maintenance professionals about water conservation landscape activities and benefits from following Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Principles. He also provides educational assistance in implementing irrigation best management practices on your properties.
In addition, we are also available to present the site report at a board of directors' meeting, association membership meeting or to a group of interested community association members.
Irrigation elements included in the evaluation:
- Review irrigation system components and irrigation controller settings
- Wet-walk the property, identify irrigation inefficiencies (broken heads, misdirected sprays, etc.) and make recommendations for a productive, efficient system
- Check the functioning of your rain sensor
- Educate board and community members on plant water and soil requirements
- Survey the landscape and look for opportunities to save water and money by implementing Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ water conservation measures