In 2017 Holmes County agricultures primary commodities consisted of 7,642 acres of peanuts, 4,854 acres of cotton, 2,439 acres of soybeans, and 27,500 head of beef cattle.
UF/IFAS Extension Holmes County works to serve all the agricultural producers within Holmes County by providing a local connection to the farmers and ranchers, to the University of Florida, their research, and resources.
These services are provided through three avenues:
Field Visits
This is the grassroots of extension. Fields visits can be arranged through the Holmes County office by calling Kalyn Waters at 850-547-1108. This is your opportunity to bring all the University of Florida has to offer to your farm. Field visits can be for a range of different topics such as weed identification and pasture management, crop disease or pest issues, cattle health, and herd management.
Office Visit/ Phone Consults
Clients are welcome to stop by the office located at the Holmes County Agricultural Center to meeting one-on-one with the agent for a consultation. Phone consultation is also available at any time by calling 850-547-1108.
Educational Programming
Throughout the year educational programs, workshops, and field days are hosted for clients across the county. Dates for these programs can be found in the Holmes County Agricultural Connection, a printed bi-monthly newsletter that is distributed via the mail. In addition, clients are encouraged to follow the Facebook page, Panhandle Agricultural Connection.
Kalyn Waters County Extension Director (850) 547-1108 kalyn.waters@ufl.edu
Physical & Mailing Address 1169 E. Highway 90 Bonifay, Florida 32425
Hours Monday - Friday 8:00am – 4pm Closed from 12:00 - 1:00 P.M. for lunch.
Fax (850) 547-7433
Programs & Pages
- 2017 Cool-Season Forage Variety Recommendations for Florida
- Bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum): Overview and Management
- Weed Management in Pastures and Rangeland- 2017
- 2017 Estrus Synchronization Protocols for HEIFERS and COWS (Chart)
- Estrus Synchronization Planner