Discovery Gardens
The Mission of the Discovery Gardens
- To support the educational mission of the Lake County Extension by creating an exemplary garden facility for hands-on-training
- To create an outstanding visitor attraction - -a well designed botanical garden
- To promote conservation of natural resources by demonstrating environmental friendly practices for gardening and landscaping
- To provide a focal point for all local groups and individuals interested in horticulture
- Lake County'sDiscovery Gardens are an educational resource developed to support programs in horticulture, gardening, landscape design and natural resource management.
Programs are offered for homeowners, garden enthusiasts, educators, children and the horticulture industry. There are self guided tours assisted with brochures and plant labeling. So follow along as we explore each of the garden areas.
First, a little about the Discovery Garden. The Discovery Gardens are located at the UF/IFAS Lake County Extension Center, 1951 Woodlea Road, Tavares, Florida 32778-4262. It is situated on a 3 1/2 acre site made up of 20 major theme gardens, each designed to show a different gardening aspect in Central Florida. It has more than 700 different plants and is dedicated to demonstrating how homeowners can accomplish the landscape they want. All plants are labeled and cultural information is available upon request at the Master Gardener Plant Clinic in the main building.
If you, your garden club, or group would like a guided tour of the Discovery Gardens please complete the Discovery Gardens Tour Request Form and return the completed form to JuWanda Rowell at juwanda.rowell@ufl.edu.
General Information:
Discovery Gardens normal hours are:
Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Saturday - Sunday - CLOSED
The Discovery Gardens are also open the THIRD Saturday of each month from 8:00am - 4:00 pm.
UF/IFAS Extension, Lake County