Florida Sea Grant - Martin & St. Lucie Counties
Dr. Vincent Encomio is the Florida Sea Grant Extension Agent for Martin and St. Lucie counties. Locally, Sea Grant connects residents with Florida universities’ and national research and education to fulfill the program’s goal of ‘Science Serving Florida’s Coast’. Ongoing webinars, citizen science and restoration projects are available to our community. Connect today to learn from experts in water health, seafood initiatives and other marine-related topics.
Florida Sea Grant’s mission is to support integrated research, education and extension to conserve coastal resources and enhance economic opportunities for the people of Florida.
We are a partnership between the Florida Board of Education, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and Florida’s citizens and governments. Our extension, education and outreach programs are done in partnership with UF/IFAS Extension and coastal counties of Florida.
To learn more visit: https://www.flseagrant.org/
Keeping Your Dog Safe
Keeping Your Dog Safe
The above fact sheet details the toxin’s effects on dogs, risks for fatality, how to recognize the presence of algal blooms, and links to additional resources.
To learn more about pet safety and Cyanobacteria, visit Florida Seagrant.
- Water Ambassador Resources
2025 Martin County Water Ambassador Program
- Practicing water resources stewardship in our home landscapes
- Shoreline characterization of the IRL: How citizen science can inform living shorelines restoration
- What is stormwater management? Martin County's approach.
- Robust design of green infrastructure for shoreline resiliency
- Water Management Projects in the IRL Region
- Green Stormwater Infrastructure For Your Home
- Forensic mapping of the stunning transformation of Florida's coastal watersheds.
- Long-term Effects of Exposure to Harmful Algal Blooms (LEE-HABs) Study
- Emerald Sanctuary: Investigating the Impacts of Seagrasses in Florida
- Streets Don't Grow: Potential Nutrient Impacts of Residential Reclaimed Water Irrigation Overspray.
- Seafood Resources
- Sea Grant Blogs
Contact Us:
Vincent Encomio, Ph.D Florida Sea Grant Extension Agent II vencomio@ufl.edu
Physical Address 2614 SE Dixie Hwy. Stuart, FL 34995
Hours Monday-Friday 8am-5pm