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Weather Alert

A hurricane has been forecasted to impact the Tampa Bay region on Wednesday. Watch for communication from Extension offices about Extension closures, impacts and recovery resources. Follow guidance from local authorities about safety.

plants underwater

Sustainable Agriculture & Commercial Horticulture


The UF/IFAS Martin County Sustainable Agriculture and Commercial Horticulture Program connects landscapers, nursery growers, farmers, ranchers, and other agri-businesses with science-based solutions and best management practices for pest and fertility management, irrigation, business planning, disaster preparation/recovery, soil health, and pesticide safety. Services offered include soil moisture sensor application, pest/disease diagnosis, communicating the local, state and federal resource availability to clientele, facilitating local food system improvements, on-farm research, and pesticide licensing.


The State of Florida requires licensing for most professionals who apply any pesticides (including herbecides, such as Round-up). For information about licenses, study materials and more visit the UF Pesticide Information Office, through the above licensing link.


The above link will take you to our calendar of upcoming classes, additional resources and recent articles. Contact: Yvette Goodiel, Sustainability and Commercial Horticulture, Extension Agent III at (772) 419-6962.


Pesticide certification exams are offered monthly and advanced registration is required. Please arrive for your scheduled exam no later than 9 A.M. The title link will allow for you to view the exam schedule and register.