Shrubs & Hedges (HE-P)
- -- indicates plants commonly available in nurseries and/or garden centers in south Florida
- © indicates Florida native plants
indicates plants that can tolerate wet soils or occasional flooding.
Click on linked scientific names for photos and/or more information.
Common name |
Size |
Light |
Salt tolerance |
Comments |
Heliconia Heliconia Collection Descriptions UF Fact Sheet (44KB pdf) |
3-7 |
Full sun to partial shade |
Moderate |
Smaller heliconia with tight, arrowhead-shaped inflorescence bearing dense but colorful bracts which begin red then fade to orange then yellow toward the tips. Year-round bloomer. |
Heliconia UF Fact Sheet (44KB pdf) |
6-15 |
Full sun to partial shade |
Moderate |
Tall heliconia with long-stalked, yellow-green, banana-like leaves with a red margin and erect inflorescence with widely spaced, triangular-shaped bracts that are yellow or orange at base, changing to scarlet at tips. |
Lobster claw heliconia Heliconia rostrata UF Fact Sheet (44KB pdf) |
3-20 |
Full sun to partial shade |
Moderate |
Tall heliconia with long-stalked, green to bluish-green, 5’-long, banana-like leaves and pendant inflorescence with zig-zagging bracts of scarlet and yellow. |
Chinese hat plant UF Fact Sheet (42KB pdf) |
3-6 |
Full sun to partial shade |
Moderate |
Unique flowers are main interest of this scrambling shrub/vine: each is a narrow, orange-scarlet tube backed by a broad, circular calyx, appearing in dense terminal clusters through summer and fall. Leaves oval and slightly serrated. Rampant growth can be contained by pruning after flowering. Old canes can be removed. Loses leaves during drought. |
Beach elder |
2-3 |
Full sun |
High |
Scraggly, course, shrubby perennial. Good for beach-front plantings. |
Joewood © |
10 |
Full sun to partial shade |
High |
Very slow-growing, native shrub with attractive foliage and year-round, showy, fragrant blooms. Good resistance to wind and salt spray. Some shade from hottest sun beneficial. |
Primrose jasmine |
5-10 |
Full sun to partial shade |
Low |
Rambling, open, evergreen, shrub with long, arching stems that will climb if given support. Without support, grows as fountain-like mound. Fragrant, yellow, trumpet-shaped flowers. Caution: J. dichotomum and J. fluminense are FLEPPC Category I. |
Downy jasmine |
5-10 |
Full sun to partial shade |
Low |
Evergreen, branching vine that can be trained as a shrub. Stems and leaves covered with downy pubescence—giving plant grayish-green appearance. Small, white, star-shaped flowers in clusters—year-round. Caution: J. sambac is FLEPPC Category II. |
Peregrina |
15 |
Full sun to partial shade |
Moderate |
Deeply-lobed leaves and showy display of small red flowers throughout the year. Needs good drainage. Mites and scales can be problems. Poisonous. |
Coral plant, physic nut -- |
6-20 |
Full sun to partial shade |
High |
Shrub to small tree with loose, spreading crown. Large, distinctive leaves with 7-11 narrow lobes and each lobe divided into narrow, pointed segments. Flowers coral red, in flat-topped clusters on long stalks above foliage. All parts are poisonous. |
Chinese juniper UF Fact Sheet (154KB pdf) |
2-50 |
Full sun |
Low-Moderate |
Evergreen groundcover, shrub, or tree, depending on variety. Both adult and juvenile foliage found on adult trees. Berries fleshy and glaucous white. |
Shrimp plant-- |
3-5 |
Full sun to full shade |
None |
See description in “Perennials” above. |
Crepe myrtle-- UF Fact Sheet (155KB pdf) |
8-25 |
Full sun |
None |
Grown for peeling bark and outstanding late spring to summer blossom in various shades of pink, red purple and white. Miniatures used for edging; standards used as specimen plants. Aphids and powdery mildew can be problems. |
Barbados cherry -- UF Fact Sheet (46KB pdf) |
5-10 |
Full sun to partial shade |
Moderate |
Attractive shrub. Produces clusters of small, pink flowers, followed by red, cherry-sized, edible fruit that is tart in flavor and rich in vitamin C. Makes good hedge. Nematodes a problem on sandy soils. Plant bugs spoil fruit. Benefits from mulch. Also known as M. glabra. |
Monstera UF Fact Sheet (39KB pdf) |
5-6 |
Full sun to partial shade |
Low |
Slow-growing vine or shrub with huge, broad, glossy, perforated and deeply cut leaves and woody stems with aerial roots. Mature plants bear thick, cream spathes followed by sweet-smelling, cone-like, edible fruit. |
Simpson’s stopper -- © UF Fact Sheet (36KB pdf) |
6-20 |
Full sun to partial shade |
High |
One of the most beautiful and ornamental native woody plants. Densely branched, densely leafy large shrub to small tree. Pure white, puffy flowers followed by large, bright orange berries which contrast with dark foliage. Attractive to birds. |
Wax myrtle UF Fact Sheet (185KB pdf) |
10-25 |
Full sun to partial shade |
Low |
Native, clumping, fast-growing shrub to small tree with small, evergreen leaves, inconspicuous flowers, and waxy gray fruit attached to twigs. Leaves and fruit smell like bayberry. Tolerates periodic flooding. Natural insect repellant. Attracts birds. |
Mazari palm -- |
10-20 |
Full sun to partial shade |
None |
Medium-sized, shrubby palm with branching trunks and whitish-blue, fan-shaped leaves. Each stem flowers only once and dies back. Exceptionally cold-tolerant. Prefers cool, arid climate but tolerates south Florida quite well. Slightly susceptible to lethal yellowing disease. |
Firespike UF Fact Sheet (61KB pdf) |
6 |
Full sun to partial shade |
Low |
Small, showy, evergreen shrub with sparse, thick, upright branches, shiny, dark green leaves with wavy margins, and 9-12” upright panicles of brilliant red, tubular flowers in late summer to early winter. Tolerates all but most severe droughts. Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds. Caution: Do not plant within 500’ of native hardwood hammock in Miami-Dade County. |
Prickly-pear cactus -- UF Fact Sheet (217KB pdf) |
6”-30’ |
Full sun |
High |
Many species, from tiny plants with tuberous roots to ‘trees’ over 30’ tall. Branches constricted, forming broad/flattened or cylindrical ‘joints’. Most have sharp spines and small bristles. Flowers generally yellow or red, followed by edible fruits (prickly pears). Caution: O. aurantiaca is a federal- and state-listed invasive species (Burks, 2000). |
Jacob’s ladder |
6 |
Partial shade |
High |
Flowers insignificant; surrounded by showy, slipper-like red bracts. Zig-zag stems, with prominently keeled leaves. Well adapted to poor dry soil. Variegated cultivars. Poisonous. Prune to avoid leggy appearance. |
Selloum, tree philodendron UF Fact Sheet (86KB pdf) |
5-15 |
Full sun to partial shade |
Low |
Prostrate to upright trunks. Huge, deeply divided, dark green leaves. Also known as tree philodendron because it does not climb. Also known as P. bipinnatifidum. |
Pittosporum -- UF Fact Sheet (93KB pdf) |
10-15 |
Full sun to partial shade |
Moderate |
Broadleafed, evergreen shrub with bright green, glossy leaves (can be variegated) and clusters of small, white flowers that smell like orange blossoms. Moderate to fast grower. |
Plumbago -- UF Fact Sheet (62KB pdf) |
3-10 |
Full sun |
Low |
Attractive light blue flowers in terminal spikes. Drought tolerant once well established. Prone to root and stem rots. Freely draining soil and good air circulation. |
Podocarpus -- UF Fact Sheet (133KB pdf) |
5-40 |
Full sun to partial shade |
None |
Evergreen shrub or tree with needle-like leaves. Makes an excellent hedge. Bears small, bluish ‘berries’. |
Aralias -- UF Fact Sheet (46KB pdf) |
2-25 |
Full sun to partial shade |
Moderate |
Many species and cultivars used as shrubs, hedges and groundcovers. Foliage differs in form (usually compound); leaves often lobed and/or variegated. |
Elephant bush |
3 |
Full sun to partial shade |
High |
Grown for jade colored leaves and red stems. Rarely flowers in cultivation. Grow in gritty, freely draining soil. Provide good air circulation. Variegated form exists. Excellent for rock gardens. |
UF Fact Sheet (38KB pdf) |
6-9 |
Partial to full shade |
Low |
Native small shrub with distinctive, highly glossy, dark green leaves with deeply impressed side veins. Related to gardenia and similar in overall appearance. Flowers abundant over much of the year, followed by decorative red berries. |
6-9 |
Partial to full shade |
Low |
Native small shrub similar in all respects to P. nervosa, but with velvety, deep blue-green foliage. |
Bahama wild coffee |
Plant Categories
- Perennials
- Annuals
- Shrubs & Hedges (A-Ci)
- Shrubs & Hedges (Cl-Ha)
- Shrubs & Hedges (He-P)
- Shrubs & Hedges (R-Z)
- Flowering & Shade Trees (A-E)
- Flowering & Shade Trees (F-Z)
- Fruit Trees
- Palms, Cycads & Palm-like Plants (A-E)
- Palms, Cycads & Palm-like Plants (G-Z)
- Ornamental Grasses
- Groundcovers (A-I)
- Groundcovers (J-Z)
- Herbs & Vegetables
- Vines
- Epiphytes