Ecosystems & Species
Florida has more than eighty distinct ecosystems, which are home to many different plant and animal species. This section offers resources about many of them.
- Coasts & Oceans
Florida has 1,800 miles of coastline and comes in second only to Alaska with more than 8,460 miles of tidal shoreline.
For information about Florida's inland waterways, see Wetlands & Rivers. To learn about watersheds, best management practices, and water conservation, see Water Resources.
- Forests & Uplands
Nearly half of Florida's land area is covered by forests. 25,000 square miles of forests provide habitats for many species and tourism opportunities for residents and visitors to the state. Forests are also essential to Florida's environmental health.
For information about Florida's forest products industry, forest management, and timber, see Forest Resources.
- Watersheds
- Wetlands & Rivers
Wherever you go in Florida, you are never far away from water. 11,000 miles of waterways crisscross the state. This page provides resources about Florida's lakes, rivers, springs, and wetlands.
For information about Florida's beaches and coastal waters, see Coasts & Oceans. To learn about watersheds, water conservation, and best management practices, see .
- Wildland-Urban Interface
The wildland-urban interface is the space where human developent meets undeveloped areas.
For information about landscaping for wildlife, conserving energy in the landscape, and cultivating a green home, see Sustainable Living - Lawn & Garden.
- Conservation & Restoration
Floridians from all walks of life are working together to preserve animal and plant habitats for future generations.
For information about pollution prevention, landscaping for wildlife, and conservation easements, see Sustainable Living - Environment
- Endangered & Threatened Species
Many of Florida's plant and animal species are in danger of becoming extinct. Species disappear for many reasons, including habitat loss, human exploitation, and the impact of invasives. This page offers resources related to protecting our state's amazing biodiversity. - Insects & Arachnids
Florida is home to a wide variety of insects, arachnids, and other creepy-crawlies.
For information about exotic insects, see Invasive Species. To learn about pest insects, see Home Pest Control and Insect Pests
- Invasive Species
- Plants
- Wildlife
- Africanized Honey Bees
- Biting & Stinging Insects
- Ecosystems & Species
- Invasive Species
- Water Resources
- Nuisance Wildlife
- Plants
- Sustainable Living - Environment
- Wildlife
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