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January 2024 US Cattle Inventory Down 2%

  USDA’s National Agricultural Statistic Service (NASS) published...

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Livestock and Forage Production

According to the 2017 U.S. Census of Agriculture, there were 1,821 farmers (producers) that managed 1,154 farms with 93.3 million in total farm gate sales in Jackson County, utilizing 275,022 acres of land.  Of these, 527 were livestock farms that reported total livestock sales of $12.2 million.  Of the 527 farms, 366 were beef cattle operations, 265 horse, 87 goat, 139 poultry, 35 swine, 20 sheep, 9 bees, and 3 dairy farms.   A total of 25,283 beef cows graze on 66,514 acres of pasture and range land with an average stocking rate of 2.6 acres/cow.  There are 3 dairies with 1,060 milking cows.  There are also 383 hay or silage operations with a total of 20,062 acres that produce 65,960 tons of stored forage annually, with an average yield of 3.3 tons/acre.

Forages & Feeds





Doug Mayo
Livestock, pastures, fish ponds

Ethan Carter
Row crops, pest management, CEU & pesticide license training

Abbey Payne
Vegetables, fruits, & specialty crops, Master Gardener program

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