The mission of the Florida Master Naturalist Program (FMNP) is to promote awareness, understanding, and respect of Florida's natural world among Florida's citizens and visitors.
The FMNP is an adult education UF/IFAS Extension program developed by the University of Florida and provided in multiple locations throughout Florida. FMNP training will benefit persons interested in learning more about Florida’s environment or wishing to increase their knowledge for use in education programs as volunteers, employees, ecotourism guides, and others.
In essence, the FMNP teaches those that teach others. Become a Florida Master Naturalist today! Click for current course offerings.
The FMNP consists of three Core Modules:
- Freshwater Wetlands
- Coastal Systems
- Upland Habitats
Each Module includes 40 contact hours of classroom learning, field trips, and practical experience. Each Module is $225 and includes detailed course manuals. Upon completion, graduates receive FMNP certificates, patches, and pins denoting the area of expertise (e.g., Wetlands Master Naturalist). Students who choose to complete all three Modules will become Florida Master Naturalists and will receive a plaque and Master Naturalist pin. The FMNP does not provide university credit toward a degree-seeking program.
The FMNP also offers Special Topics, including:
- Conservation Science
- Environmental Interpretation
- Wildlife Monitoring
- Habitat Evaluation
- Coastal Shoreline Restoration
- Manatee County Master Naturalists Chapter (FMNP Friends Manatee Chapter)
- UF/IFAS Florida Master Naturalist Program
- Coyotes in Florida Video Series: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4
- Myrtle the Softshell Turtle
- 2018 FMNP Impacts
- Manatee Master Naturalist Chapter Membership Form