Community & School Gardens
The community gardens program in Manatee County was launched in 2015. Education and development of new and existing community and school gardens are the primary goals of the program. Emphasizing education, the program offers hands-on workshops, information on planting seasons and varietal selection, and research-backed cultivation techniques. The community gardens program also provides educational opportunities to learn more about proper fertilizer and pesticide applications in a community garden setting.
Community Gardens Info
Community Garden Factsheets and Maps
Manatee Seed Bank
Information on seed bank program.
Upcoming Events
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Exploring Florida’s Natives: The Florida Violet
You may recognize the delicate, vibrant flowers of the Florida violet (Viola...
Exploring Florida’s Natives: The Florida Maple
Florida has it's very own maple tree! The Florida maple (Acer barbatum), also...
South Florida residents give urban farming a green thumbs-up as catalyst for ecosystem services, sustainable city growth
Urban agriculture is emerging as a key player in the search to develop...