Lawn & Garden
Florida gardening presents unique challenges, so we offer research-based assistance, information, and advice. Whether you are developing a vegetable garden, choosing landscape plants, or seeking information about lawn care, our resources will help you make your yard green and beautiful.

Residential Horticulture
The residential horticulture program provides Florida-Friendly Landscaping and gardening information to the residents of Manatee County. Services include: plant diagnostic clinic, workshops, demonstration garden tours, landscape assistance program, and landscape recognition program.

Master Gardener Volunteer Program
The Florida Master Gardener Program is a volunteer-driven program that benefits UF/IFAS Extension and the citizens of Florida. The program relies on dedicated volunteers who have an interest in gardening and in giving back to their communities.

Mobile Irrigation Lab
Free personalized evaluation of your irrigation and landscape with our Mobile Irrigation Laboratory. Possible water and money savings on utility bill, get your irrigation and rain sensor checked, discover proper plant placement and selection, and receive a detailed Irrigation & Landscape Report.