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Rain Barrels

Rain barrels are a great way to reduce stormwater runoff and to save water for a dry spell. If you have gutters on your house, you may be able to collect 55 gallons of water during a 1/2-inch rain by directing a downspout to a rain barrel.

Rain Barrel Workshops

To help you get started, our Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ Program hosts monthly, in-person Rain Barrel Workshops, in partnership with Sarasota County Environmental Services. Search our calendar of classes for a list of upcoming rain barrel classes. Note that online registration is required for the workshops.

With just a few mouse or keyboard clicks, register to participate in a free workshop and/or purchase a rain barrel (or barrels) for the base price of $26.50 plus taxes and fees. Note that barrel purchases must be made through the Eventbrite system by credit card or PayPal payment only, with purchases at pickup locations no longer available. Barrel pickup will follow workshops, at the same location.

Please review and confirm your purchase selection and the associated pickup information on Eventbrite prior to completing your transaction.

If you are unable to visit the specified pickup location, or would like to request an alternate pickup date or location, for purchased barrels, please contact the Sarasota County Environmental Services office via email to Please make sure "Rain Barrel" appears in the subject line of the email, and include your name, purchase confirmation number, original pickup date and location, and other relevant information. Note that timing, barrel quantities and other factors might limit the ability to meet special requests.

Building Rain Barrels

Rain barrels (2) in connected seriesYou can build your own rain barrel, rather than purchasing a pre-made (or ready-to-assemble) version, with some basic supplies and a few simple steps. Click on an item below to expand that section and learn more (show all items).

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