Solutions For Your Life
At Extension, helping you find solutions for your life is our mission. Backed by the expertise and research of University of Florida staff, we provide community initiatives, classes, and volunteer opportunities related to six core areas: 4-H youth development; agriculture; gardening and landscaping; natural resources; nutrition and healthy living; and sustainability. We provide practical education to build a better future.
100 Things You Can Learn About at
UF/IFAS Extension Sarasota County
Sustainable Agriculture
- Food systems
- Agriculture best management practices
Gardening and Landscaping
- Community gardens: how to join a local garden
- Community gardens: garden management practices and new garden considerations
- School gardens: best practices and growing tips
- School gardens: trainings for teachers and curriculum recommendations
- Edible gardening: seasons (what grows when)
- Edible gardening: planning your edible garden
- Edible gardening: sustainable pest control
- Edible gardening: mulching
- Edible gardening: beneficial insects
- Edible gardening: nematodes
- Edible gardening: watering
- Edible gardening: fertilizing
- Edible gardening: heat tolerant vegetables
- Edible gardening: fruit tree selection for our area
- Edible gardening: seed starting
- Edible gardening: container gardening
- Edible gardening: herbs for florida
- Edible gardening: tomato growing
- Understanding your soil
Horticulture (Commercial)
- Tree planting techniques
- Benefits of trees
- Green industry best management practices
Horticulture (Residential)
- Florida-Friendly Landscaping™
- Sustainable landscaping in your homeowner/neighborhood association
- Weeds
- Wildflowers
- Plants for pollinators
- Plants for birds
- Butterflies and pollinators
- Florida snakes
Natural Resources
Chemicals in the Environment
- Mosquitoes
- Biorational pesticides
Ecology and Natural Resources
- Gopher tortoises
- Coyotes
- Owls
- Sharks
- Eagles
- Bats
- Alligators
- Bobcat/panthers
- Scrub jays
- Bird beak adaptations
- Prescribed fire
- Invasive plants
- Invasive animals
Marine and coastal
- Mangroves
- Marine debris
- Living shorelines
Waste Reduction
- Recycling
- Composting
- Food waste reduction
- Plastics reduction
- Green business practices
Water resources
- Healthy ponds
- Nutrients in reclaimed water
- Bay-friendly fertilizing
- Citizen science opportunities
- Microplastics
- Aquifers
- Where your drinking water comes from
- Safe drinking water
- Importance of drinking local
- Freshwater wetlands
- Nitrogen footprint
- Irrigation best practices
- Rain sensor maintenance
- Drip irrigation
Nutrition and Healthy Living
Family and Consumer Sciences
- Disaster preparedness
- Closing up your (Florida) home
- Cooking with herbs and spices
- Preserving food through dehydration
- Instant pressure cookers
- Water bath canning and pressure canning
- Food safety in the kitchen
- Food safety in the workplace: safe-staff training
- Dietary guidelines for Americans
- Physical activity guidelines for Americans
- Nutrition on a budget
- Meal planning
- Best practices for healthy snacking
- The importance of whole grains
- Green cleaning
- Age-friendly: fall prevention
Sustainability (Community Development)
- Energy efficiency
- Water efficiency
- Solar energy technologies
- Solar energy basics for kids
- Universal design/age-friendly housing
- Property-assessed clean energy (PACE) financing
- Sustainable living
- Electric vehicles
- Climate change
- Indoor environmental quality of your home
- Green building
- Energy equity
Youth Development
- 4-H youth development
- 4-H youth leadership
- 4-H youth service learning
In addition to the links noted above, you can find our helpful resources via:
- our current classes and events at our Eventbrite page (ufsarasotaext.eventbrite.com);
- webinar recordings, tutorials and other videos at our YouTube channel (via tiny.cc/ufsaraext_youtube);
- quick notes and tips shared via our social media accounts (facebook.com/ufsarasotaext, instagram.com/ufsarasotaextension, twitter.com/ufsarasotaext, and linkedin.com/company/uf-ifas-extension-sarasota-county);
- our Plant Clinic help desks, at our main office and at satellite locations across Sarasota County; and
- short- and long-form blog posts (blogs.ifas.ufl.edu/sarasotaco), covering information from each of our programs, plus other areas of interest.
Extension videos
Want to learn even more? Dive into our growing video collection, featuring webinars, helpful "How-To" clips and more. Visit our Youtube channel: tiny.cc/ufsaraext_youtube to see more.
Sarasota County Extension at a Glance
View our UF/IFAS Extension Sarasota County facts and impacts, 2020 document to learn more about how we work with you to make better lives and better communities.
Learn More
- About Us
- Blog posts
- Events, Camps, Clubs, Training and More
- News, Notes and More
- Speakers Bureau
- Staff Directory
- Story Maps
- Timeline of Extension
- Videos
- Volunteers
- How Do I...
- ...Learn What Extension Offers?
- ...Find Events, Camps, Clubs, Training and More?
- ...Get Soil/Irrigation Water Tested?
- ...Request a Speaker?
- ...Learn Best Practices for My Neighborhood?
- ...Explore with Story Maps?
- ...Donate to Extension?
- ...Use the Sarasota County Starter Kit?
- ...Tour Extension Virtually?