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Weather Alert

A hurricane has been forecasted to impact the Tampa Bay region on Wednesday. Watch for communication from Extension offices about Extension closures, impacts and recovery resources. Follow guidance from local authorities about safety.


Closing Up Your Home

Most people living in Florida have lived in other parts of the country and frequently return to their former communities to visit friends and neighbors. Some people spend part of the year in Florida and part of the year in other areas of the country. Additionally, almost everyone is likely to be away from home several days or weeks at a time for business or pleasure.

It's always good to return home, yet occasionally we hear of people who return to their Florida homes to find they have a mildew or moisture problem, or the exterior of their house seems to look more rundown when they return. Worse yet, reports of burglary or vandalism appear in the news daily.

What can you do to minimize the possibility that you may return to your home and find a serious problem? Our Closing Up Your Florida Home class has been developed to help you protect your home from moisture problems, deterioration of the exterior, or the intrusion of burglars and vandals. For example, air conditioning can be used to reduce potential moisture problems, yet use a minimum amount of energy. Learn more and register at

In addition, UF/IFAS Extension's Electronic Data Information Source offers myriad publications available for free to anyone, including Closing Your Seasonal Home, which looks at preparing your home for storms or extended absences.
