Finished Compost
Composting is the controlled decomposition of organic materials by microorganisms.
Compost is partially decomposed organic matter.
Humus is completely decomposed organic matter.
Mulch is organic and/or inorganic material spread in a layer on the soil surface.
Benefits and Uses of Compost
Compost offers many benefits to the landscape and garden. For example, compost:
This is a self-mulching bed. The bamboo leaves fall on the ground and slowly decompose.
- Improves soil tilth condition, and structure;
- Increases the soil's ability to hold water and nutrients;
- Supports living soil organisms;
- Helps dissolve mineral forms of nutrients;
- Buffers soil from chemical imbalances;
- May provide biological control of certain soil pests; and
- Helps return organic materials to the soil, and keeps them out of landfills and waterways.
Learn More
- Natural Resources