You can compost just about anything, anywhere. Consult the table below if you have any questions about whether you can (or should) compost a material. Click table headers to re-order the list by that field, and use the browser search function (on Windows, Control-F; on Mac, Command-F) to find individual items.
Material | Can I Compost? | Comment |
Banana skins | Yes | |
Bird cage "waste" | Yes | |
Bone meal | Yes | |
Bread | Yes | |
Cereal | Yes | |
Citrus (e.g., oranges, grapefruit, lemons, tangerines) | Yes | Green/nitrogen - must cut in half or quarter before composting; mix with browns & add 6-inch layer of browns on top |
Coffee grounds (with paper filter) | Yes | Green/nitrogen |
Corn cobs | Yes | |
Cornmeal | Yes | |
Cottonseed meal | Yes | |
Crop waste | Yes | |
Egg shells | Yes | Adds calcium |
Feathers | Yes | |
Fish scraps (buried) | Yes | |
Flour | Yes | |
Flowers | Yes | |
Fruits & vegetables | Yes | |
Fruits & vegetables, rotten | Yes | Green/nitrogen - may compact due to wetness; add with dry bulky brown/carbon items |
Grains | Yes | |
Grass clippings | Yes | Green/nitrogen - may compact add with bulky items |
Ground bones | Yes | |
Hair (human, animal) | Yes | Green/nitrogen - may be slow to degrade |
Hardwood, shredded | Yes | |
Hay | Yes | |
Insects, dead | Yes | |
Kitchen scraps | Yes | |
Landscape trimmings (cut to sizes less than 2") | Yes | Brown/carbon - good source of bulky items |
Leather | Yes | |
Leaves | Yes | Brown/carbon |
Manures | Yes | |
Natural fibers (cotton, linen, wool) | Yes | |
Newspaper | Yes | Brown/carbon - must shred it before composting |
Oatmeal | Yes | |
Paper/cardboard | Yes | |
Paperboard (e.g., cereal boxes, paper plates, and napkins) | Yes | Brown/carbon - break into small pieces, or make a wet slurry and turn it (mix) into the compost |
Peanut shells | Yes | |
Pine needles | Yes | |
Potato peels | Yes | |
Potting soil/mix | Yes | |
Powdered milk | Yes | |
Rice | Yes | |
Rock powder (greensand, granite dust) | Yes | |
Sawdust (from un-treated wood) | Yes | Brown/carbon - very high in carbon |
Seashells (crushed) | Yes | |
Seaweed | Yes | |
Seed packets | Yes | |
Straw | Yes | Brown/carbon - good source of bulky items |
Tea bags | Yes | Green/nitrogen |
Tobacco | Yes | |
Vacuum bag wastes | Yes | |
Watermelon rind | Yes | |
Weeds (most, but not all) | Yes | |
Paper, wet | Yes | Brown/carbon - break into small pieces, or make a wet slurry and turn it (mix) into the compost |
Wood chips/pieces/shavings (from un-treated wood) | Yes | Brown/carbon - good source of bulky items |
Yard waste | Yes | |
Banana leaves | Maybe | Very tough to break down, must cut into small pieces to compost |
Brush, large woody | Maybe | Use your judgment |
Feces, dog | Maybe | Composting dog waste must be done with caution |
Feces, herbivore (e.g., horse, cow, rabbit droppings) | Maybe | Green/nitrogen - DO NOT USE IF ANIMAL IS SICK |
Fish waste (if buried deeply) | Maybe | Use your judgment |
Palm fronds | Maybe | Very tough to break down, must cut into small pieces to compost, try drying first, then chipping |
Plants, diseased | Maybe | Use your judgment |
Weed seedheads | Maybe | Use your judgment |
Wood ash | Maybe | Use your judgment |
Animal by-products (e.g., meat, chicken, lard, bones, cheese or milk products) | No | This type of kitchen waste can attract vermin |
Bones, unground | No | |
Cat litter (used) | No | |
Chemicals (e.g., pesticides, gasoline, diesel, or oil) | No | Potentially toxic to human health and the environment |
Colored newsprint | No | |
Dairy products | No | |
Fat, cooking | No | |
Feces, cat | No | |
Feces, human | No | Might contain diseases that could be transmitted to humans |
Feces, non-herbivore (not dog or bird) | No | Might contain diseases that could be transmitted to humans |
Grease, cooking | No | |
Heavily colored paper | No | |
Inorganic trash such as plastic, foil or metals. | No | Will not break down in the compost process, instead recycle these materials |
Mayonnaise | No | Hard to degrade |
Meat | No | |
Non-organics | No | |
Oil, cooking | No | |
Particle board | No | |
Peanut butter | No | Hard to degrade |
Plywood | No | |
Poultry | No | |
Salad dressing | No | Hard to degrade |
Sawdust, treated | No | |
Wood, pressure-treated | No | |
Wood, treated | No |
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