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4-H Youth

The UF/IFAS Extension 4-H Youth Development Program uses a learn-by-doing approach to help youth gain the knowledge and skills they need to be responsible, productive citizens.  This mission is accomplished by creating safe and inclusive learning environments, involving caring adults, and utilizing the expertise and resources of the University of Florida and the nationwide land grant university system.

Membership age of youth participation is determined by the youth’s age as of September 1 of the current program year (September 1 – August 31). The minimum age of a 4-H’er is 5 years old and the maximum age for a 4-H’er is 18 years old, or completion of high school, whichever comes first. Youth classified as an “exceptional student” and thus determined eligible for a special program by the State Board of Education [Florida Statute 1003.01(3)(a)] shall be eligible to participate in 4-H until the age of 21 years old (National 4-H upper age limit) or completion of high school, whichever comes first.

How to Join 4-H

Brevard County 4-H Clubs

4-H Project Books

Record (or project) books help you to keep organized and detailed information about your 4-H project(s) each year. They are a record of everything you have done and learned each year in your project. You should aim to complete at least one project book each 4-H year. Make sure to keep old record books, as they come in handy when you are applying for scholarships and awards as a senior 4-H member!

Horse Program

Additional 4-H Resources

4-H Fair Sponsorship Opportunities

  • Event Sponsor

    The 4-H Fair is an important part of the 4-H experience, and we want it to be successful. We are looking to local businesses and private donors for support. Your sponsorship can help support a child and their animal project, awards and recognition for youth participants, supplies for the event, and much more.

    We have five levels of sponsorship available

    Sponsorship Category Amount
    Bronze Clover Up to $50
    Silver Clover $50 - $99
    Gold Clover $100 - $249
    Platinum Clover $250 - $499
    Emerald Clover $500+

    As a sponsor of the 4-H Fair, you will be recognized through print materials displayed at the event as well as during Saturday’s welcome speech. Emerald Clover donors will be listed as presenting sponsors and have both their names and logos printed on sponsor signage.

    You will also receive an invitation to the 4-H Breakfast Social and Market Poultry Auction on Saturday, April 12th at 9:00 AM, where you will be able to meet and greet with 4-H youth and ask them about their projects.

    Sponsorship checks made payable to:

    Brevard County 4-H Association


    Mail to:

    UF/IFAS Extension Brevard County 4-H

    Attn: Gayle Whitworth-New

    3695 Lake Drive

    Cocoa, Florida 32926


  • Silent Auction Donation

    A silent auction is held as a part of our Market Poultry Auction to benefit the participants of the 4-H Fair in supporting their project work and in growing the 4-H program throughout the county. Items such as tickets to venues, specialty items, gift cards, and products are used as part of our silent auction, which ends prior to the poultry auction. Donating to the silent auction is a great way to partner with 4-H and help raise awareness of both it and your business.

    Your donation will be recognized through signage at our event as well as named verbally during our welcome speech.

    The Brevard County 4-H Association is a 501 (c)(3) tax-exempt organization. You will receive a receipt of your donation after the fair.

    For more information please feel free to contact the 4-H office at (321) 633-1702 or email

    Silent auction items can be mailed to or dropped off at:

    UF/IFAS Extension Brevard County 4-H

    Attn: Gayle Whitworth-New

    3695 Lake Drive

    Cocoa, Florida 32926

    We are also happy to pick up items at your convenience.